Ten Years Thailand 2018

Ten Years Thailand


Release Date

Hong Kong

Original Title

Hong Kong Title
Ten Years Thailand

Plot Synopsis

Ten Years Thailand is an omnibus film inviting four directors co-imagine their country a decade from now. The four are Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Aditya Assarar, Wisir Sasanatieng and Chulayarnon Siriphol. Each contributes an episode that taken together sound a warning about the current political situation in Thailand.

Directed by the Busan International Film Festival New Currents Award winning Aditya Assarat, Sunset is about several soldiers checking up on exhibitions around town and making sure there being no images that may cause conflict and misunderstanding.

Catopia by Wisit Sasanatieng describes that a young man finds his everyday life seems normal except that he is the only human left amid a world of cats.

Planetarium by the talented visual artist Chulayarnnon Siriphol questions a future society where each individual must follow the "absolute correctness".

Song Of The City was directed by Palme d'Or winning Apichatpong Weerasetakul in his world-known style, presenting how people lead a comfortable life in the future with the assistance of a special device that promotes relaxation and well-being.

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